Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ann Arbor Learning Community's Bat House

On February 2nd, 2011, I went to Wendy Nagle's 2nd and 3rd grade classroom at the Ann Arbor Learning Community to give them a short power point presentation on the environmental initiatives that we have implemented here at Leslie Park and receive a bat house that the children had made.

On April 11th, we were finally able to hang the bat house near #3 fairway.

When I let Wendy know that we had hung the house, she told me that they had another one available and that the class would like to come out to the golf course and give it to me. On May 26th, the weather co-operated enough for 18 kids as well as 10 chaperones to come out and present us with our second bat house.

We then took a little stroll out to #3 to look at the original bat house.

1 comment:

Bat House said...

A nice article. I love the pics and how getting the kids involved is great. Anything we can do to lessen the fear of bats is beneficial! For most of my life I have been scared of these gentle creatures, and only recently have I been able to admire and appreciate the active role they have in our community. Thanks again for your post.