Tuesday, June 2, 2015

May 2015 Weather Summary

The highest temperature for the month of May at Leslie Park Golf Course was 85.6 degrees (May 8.) The low temperature for the month was on the 14th, at just 36.2 degrees. That was just a tick below the second lowest temperature of 36.3 degrees, which occurred on the 23rd. This was also the date of the (hopefully) last frost of the season. The last frost in 2013 was on May 26 while in the other years since 2010, the last frost happened during the second week of May. The average temperature for the month was 62.9 degrees.

May had a total of 5.82 inches of rain, with more than half (2.94 inches) coming in the last two days of the month. May 30 had the highest daily total at 1.62 inches with the following day being the only other day that saw over an inch (1.32 inches.) Ten days had over a tenth of an inch of precipitation and 16 had at least a trace of rain. The total rain for the year is 9.53 inches.

The highest sustained wind speed for the month was 29 mph (May 25) and the average wind speed was 2.7 mph.

1 comment:

Brian Kuehn said...

I was out at Leslie on May 30 and 31 and played 9 holes each day between the major storms. The Traver Creek drainage project appears to work well. All the water was contained within the flood margins. Holes #10 and #13 were reasonably well drained. I give the entire project 2 thumbs up.