Friday, February 1, 2013

January 2013 Weather Summary

The highest temperature recorded at Leslie Park Golf Course was 61.8 degrees, at 4:00 AM on January 30th. The lowest temperature recorded was -1.2 degrees (Jan 22nd.) The average temp was 28.7 degrees. Thirteen days had temperatures that never got above the freezing mark. There were 25 days were the low temperature was below 32 degrees.

There was a total of 1.93 inches of rain. The maximum amount of daily rain was 0.68 inches, on Jan 11th. It should be noted that the weather station only records liquid amounts of precipitation. Snow is not always recorded but is sometimes recorded when snow in the collector melts.

The highest sustained windspeed was 38 mph on January 20th. Average windspeed was 4.7 mph.

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