Monday, December 3, 2012

November 2012 Weather Summary

The high temperature at Leslie Park Golf Course for the month of November was 67.6 degrees on the 11th. The lowest temperature recorded was 20.6 (14th.) The average temperature was 39.0 degrees. The low fell below freezing on 19 of the 30 days.

We received 0.83 inches of rain at the weather station. 0.57 inches of that rain fell on Nov 12th. ONly 4 days had more than a trace of rain and only 2 days had more than a tenth of an inch. The other day aside from the 12th over a tenth of an inch was the 23rd, where we got 0.12 inches. The total for the year stands at 19.19 inches.

The highest windspeed recorded was 30 mph on the 11th. Average for the moth was 2.8 mph.

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